Alisha Harris

My name is Alisha Harris and I have approximately eighteen (18) years of experience within the discipline of Human Services. Throughout my professional career, I have specialized in Behavioral Health with a focus on providing therapeutic treatment to those who suffer with mental health related conditions.  I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Illinois University in Family, Consumer, Nutrition Sciences with an emphasis in Family and Individual Development.  I continued my collegiate pursuits at Virginia State University where I graduated with my Master’s in Education, with a specialty in School Counseling. 

While attending graduate school, I was selected to participate in the Caux Scholars Program, during which time I lived abroad in Switzerland obtaining training within the area of conflict resolution. The leadership training, I received while living abroad, helped greatly to fuel a passion for a commitment to public and community service. 

In 2014, I wrote a proposal to develop a non-profit focused on humanitarian efforts outside of the United States.  The primary function of this organization was to identify the needs of developing countries.  

My inspiration comes from equipping others to feel empowered within all realms of their life.  I am an avid reader, I continue to enjoy international travel, and am convinced my faith is what keeps me in the midst of every trial. Daily, I try to live out the mantra, “People will forget what [I’ve] said, people will forget what [I’ve] done, but people will never forget how [I] made them feel.” – Maya Angelou 

The legacy I’ve tried to create is one which is built upon that premise.  My entire existence rest on the reassurance that I was created to serve (others).  It is my greatest attribute and the foundational basis of how I operate professionally and personally.  My vocational experiences/roles truly are an extension of who I am.